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Vue: How to perform reactive object change detection in v-for?




I read this documentation but cannot use the proposed solution.

I have a v-for loop over objects. These objects are changed dynamically over time and I need that change to show reactively in the v-for loop.

<b-row lg="12" v-for="data in objects" :key="data.id">
    <div v-if="data.loading">
    <div v-else>
      loaded, done

In my methods, I have a for loop that downloads data for each object and changes the object value like this:

for(var i = 0; i<response.ids.length; i++){
    var newId = response.ids[i].id
    this.objects.newId = {"loading":true, "id": newId}

    downloadSomething(newId).then(res => {
        this.objects.newId = res[0]         //<-- this change needs to be shown reactively.

According to Vue documentation, Object changes are not reactive:

var vm = new Vue({
  data: {
    a: 1
// `vm.a` is now reactive

vm.b = 2
// `vm.b` is NOT reactive

Vue propses some workaround like this:

Vue.set(vm.userProfile, 'age', 27)


But for my case, this just creates a new parameter in the object with the same ID and creates a duplicate key warning and other problems.

I also tried Vue.delete just before Vue.set but it is not actually deleting.

Is there a way to not replace the key/value pair but add more/change parameters to the first child of the root with the ID of newID


like image 540
KasparTr Avatar asked Nov 30 '18 11:11


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3 Answers

Solution: Replace this.objects.newId = res[0] with this.$set(this.objects, 'newId', res[0]) and it should work.

Explanation: this.$set is just an alias to Vue.set, available within any Vue instance. Bear in mind that vm (stands for view model) in the example is the same as this and equals to Vue component instance. Also due to ES5 JS restrictions, you have to set objects' properties explicitly via Vue.set/this.$set to manually trigger re-render. This problem will be resolved when Vue 3.0 is released.

Hope this helps, if you need any clarifications - feel free to ask.

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Fleeck Avatar answered Jan 16 '23 21:01


Try that:

downloadSomething(newId).then(res => {
    this.$set(this.objects, 'newId', res[0])
like image 39
Roland Avatar answered Jan 16 '23 19:01


you need Vue.set() when you want to define a new property to an existing object (not directly to the data), and this function will assign the new property to the built-in watcher, and it will become reactive as well.

its all being explained in the docs: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html

in your case, it seems to be all you need to make it work. in my example:https://jsfiddle.net/efrat19/eywraw8t/484131/ an async function fetches the data and define a new property to contain te response.

new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  data: {
  methods: {
        fetch('https://free.currencyconverterapi.com/api/v6/countries').then(res =>
      res.json()).then(data => Vue.set(this.objects,'property2',data))

and the template:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/vue.js"></script>

<div id="app">
<div lg="12" v-for="(val,key,index) in objects" :key="index">
<button @click="fetchDataAndAddProperty()">fetch</button>

as you can see in the fiddle, the new property becomes reactive and being displayed as well.

like image 36
Efrat Levitan Avatar answered Jan 16 '23 19:01

Efrat Levitan