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Nuxt loading bar not showing between routes

The loading bar is enabled in nuxt.config.js as seen below, but it's not showing up between routes. I'm using Vuetify.

** Customize the progress-bar color
loading: {
  color: '#333333'

I'm using the following way to switch routes:

<nuxt-link to="/auth/admin">Admin</nuxt-link>
like image 515
Isak Avatar asked Dec 28 '18 19:12


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2 Answers

same problem I have it

this is working for me

loading: { color: '#333333', throttle: 0 },

for more info Customize progress bar

like image 150
bhavinjr Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 16:10


Try this:

loading: {
 color: 'blue',
 height: '5px',
 throttle: 0

But if you use

Npx nuxt-create {app name}

Then in nuxt.config on line 20, there is already a loading object remove that. Good luck.

like image 22
Mark Nielsen Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 15:10

Mark Nielsen