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Vue and TypeScript required prop

I added a required prop to my component class using vue-property-decorator, but when I tried using the component without the prop, I didn't see any console errors that indicate the required prop is missing. Why?

export default class Test extends Vue {
  @Prop() private message!: string;

The following code yields no errors as expected:

<test message="Hello" />

The following code should result in an error but doesn't:

<test />
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mira Avatar asked Jun 28 '19 04:06


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1 Answers

The @Prop decorator takes a PropOptions object, which contains a required property with a default value of false. To make message required, specify required: true in your @Prop declaration:

@Prop({ required: true }) private message!: string;

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tony19 Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 15:10
