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Is there a way to detect ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED by a built in method in Angular 2+

Is there a way to detect ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED by a built-in method in Angular 2+ so I can warn the user? Or perhaps thru JS?

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Average Joe Avatar asked Nov 05 '17 20:11

Average Joe

2 Answers

Not sure about Angular, but the Navigator interface exposed on the global window object has a method for determining whether or not a browser is working online.

navigator.onLine returns a Boolean indicating whether the browser is working online. Doesn't get any simpler than that. Read the DOM docs for a more detailed description.

Example implementation:

if(navigator.onLine) { // true|false
    // ...

In addition to checking for the property value, you can hook into offline and online events:

window.addEventListener('online', (e) => console.log(e, "you're online"));
window.addEventListener('offline', (e) => console.log(e, "you're offline"));

Then, if the user goes offline, you can freeze the UI, show relevant messages or provide an offline experience (e.g., save data to localStorage until user comes online).

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Govind Rai Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 03:10

Govind Rai

I use the following method

define in your class online$: Observable<boolean>;

and inside constructor

this.online$ = Observable.merge(
  Observable.fromEvent(window, 'online').mapTo(true),
  Observable.fromEvent(window, 'offline').mapTo(false)

also add the imports

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/Rx'; 

Use it in template

<p *ngIf="(online$ | async) == false" >
  <ngb-alert [dismissible]="false">
    <strong>Warning!</strong> Better check yourself, you're not connected to internet.

you can also use it as a service.

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Hareesh Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 02:10
