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Vscode Typescript Intellisense showing only first option?

I'm working on my React Native (TypeScript) app and today, all of a sudden (nothing updated, no settings changed) my Intellisense started showing only first suggestion, no matter what:

enter image description here

This problem is not specific to a particular class, and I've restarted Vscode multiple times (restarted TS language server, deleted all Vscode caches from ~/Library/Caches/ (both Code folder and everything that starts with com.microsoft basically) but no avail.

How can I get rid of it? (Vscode Insiders 1.51.0 (which has been this same version for quite a few days of active use without the problem), TypeScript 4.0.5)

like image 869
Can Poyrazoğlu Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 16:12

Can Poyrazoğlu

1 Answers

Did you by any chance resize the widget while it was showing a single suggestion? Can you try "F1 > Reset Suggest Widget Size" and check if the widget size is back to normal?

like image 76
dArKrEsQ Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 19:01
