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React Apollo useQuery hook with TypeScript

I'm trying to get useQuery hook to work with TypeScript.

Here is my query

export const FETCH_LINKS = gql`
  query FetchLinks {
    feed {
      links {

I generated the types from GraphQL schema with graphql-codegen

export type Feed = {
  __typename?: 'Feed';
  links: Array<Link>;
  count: Scalars['Int'];

export type Link = {
  __typename?: 'Link';
  id: Scalars['ID'];
  createdAt: Scalars['DateTime'];
  description: Scalars['String'];
  url: Scalars['String'];
  postedBy?: Maybe<User>;
  votes: Array<Vote>;

In my component, I apply the type to useQuery hook

const { data, loading, error } = useQuery<Feed>(FETCH_LINKS);

The problem is that in the data variable I receive an object of the following shape:

feed: {

So, in order to loop through the array of links and render them on the page, I need to do data.feed.links.map() but the Feed type does not have a feed property on it and therefore, I get an error message Property 'feed' does not exist on type 'Feed' How do I rectify this inconsistency

like image 925
Oleksandr Fomin Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 17:12

Oleksandr Fomin

1 Answers

If you check documentation you will see that you would need to create one more interface to represent data:

interface FetchLinksData {
  feed: Feed[];

In component you could use that like this:

const { data, loading, error } = useQuery<FetchLinksData>(FETCH_LINKS);
const feeds = data.feed;
like image 138
Ivan Vasiljevic Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 08:01

Ivan Vasiljevic