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VSCode: How to change the delay for parameter hints?

When you hover your mouse over some code, it will attempt to tell you more about the thing you are hovered over. Sometimes it is more information about the function, or it will tell you how a symbol is defined, etc...

I like this feature, but it happens WAY too fast. I will be attempting to double click a symbol so that I can copy-paste it, and the window will popup and I end up double clicking something inside the dialog and not the code. How do I tell VSCode to wait like 1sec before showing this dialog? I couldn't find a setting for this.

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Rian Quinn Avatar asked Mar 16 '20 13:03

Rian Quinn

People also ask

How do you trigger parameter hints in Visual Studio Code?

You can also use ctrl + space to get hints of what parameters you can use.

How do you increase timeout in VS Code?

open your vscode Command Palette (via keyboard shortcut or from the View menu). search for the Remote-SSH: Settings. scroll till you find the Connect Timeout. change it to a longer duration than 15 secs.

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2 Answers

Look for

Editor > Hover: Delay

Controls the delay in milliseconds after which the hover is shown.

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Mark Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10


Settings JSON (Ctrl+Shift+,)

Simply open the settings JSON and append "editor.hover.delay": 1500 where 1500 is the desired delay value in milliseconds. Of course, it needs to be a valid JSON file. :)

Settings UI (Ctrl+,)

Simply search for hover delay and configure the value of Editor > hover delay.

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tukusejssirs Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10
