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How to turn on/off the SOURCE CONTROL PROVIDERS view in vscode?

I have one folder that contains multiple sub folders, and each of them is one git repository. Sometimes I can see this SOURCE CONTROL PROVIDERS view showing up and it's super helpful, but sometimes it doesn't show up. I would like to know if there is a switch on the vscode UI to turn on or off this view. (Maybe it's a plug in that I accidentally installed?)

Thank you!

enter image description here

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laishiekai Avatar asked Oct 06 '17 00:10


People also ask

How do I turn off VS Code Source Control?

Right-Click If you have the File List open, right-click on any file and select Source Control > Project > Disconnect.

How do I enable Source Control in Visual Studio?

From the main menu, Tools -> Options and then navigate to. Under the Plug-in Selection, you will find it is already set to “None. From the plug-in selection drop-down, you can choose either Git or Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. Visual Studio will enable the plugin for the specific source control accordingly.

Where is Source Control in VS Code?

The Source Control icon in the Activity Bar on the left will always indicate an overview of how many changes you currently have in your repository. Selecting the icon will show you the details of your current repository changes: CHANGES, STAGED CHANGES and MERGE CHANGES.

3 Answers

Version 1.31.1 has a config parameter to always show the source control providers:

  • Type Ctrl+, to access settings
  • Search for SCM
  • Check the "Scm: Always Show Providers" option

enter image description here

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Xavier Carol Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Xavier Carol

You are using 1.17 released today (at least for me). For info about that panel see source control providers. I don't see a toggle for that panel - I assume you always get it if you have multiple SC Providers and open up the source control icon CTRL-Shift-G.

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Mark Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10


but sometimes it doesn't show up

Starting with 1.47 (June 2020), it does not show up at all, as it used to.
There is a new "single-unified view":
(the old view might come back in 1.49, Sept. 2020, see at the end)

The Source Control view has been consolidated into a single view:

Source Control with a single view

All repositories are rendered in a single view, so you can get a better overview of the entire workspace status.
Additionally, the Source Control view can now be moved to the panel and other views can be moved to the Source Control view container

This... has not been appreciated. See issue 102118:

In the old system, if I had 4-5 repos showing, the one or two with active changes would show up clearly at the bottom.
Now it's very muddled, and sort by status simply puts the repos with changes at the top.

Here is the old view. List of changed files only show up when a repo is clicked. They are clear and distinct, separated from all the list of repos and everything else at the bottom.

Screen Shot 2020-07-11 at 11 31 53 AM

The new single source view. One has to hunt for the changes amidst a list of other repos. It is cluttered, hard to parse, and requires hunting to find what you want. The old view was much easier to follow and use.

Screen Shot 2020-07-11 at 11 33 49 AM

issue 104151 proposes to bring back the old view



  • The Source Control Repositories view is now back.
    (It used to be called Source Control Providers).
    It lets you control visibility of multiple repos in the Source Control view.
  • The setting scm.repositories.visible is now back
    (It used to be called scm.providers.visible).
  • I've sprinkled visibility actions both in the context menu of the Source Control view as well as the ... menu, to make it easier to control the visibility without using the Source Control Repositories view.
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VonC Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10
