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VSCode Extension Icons?

Just installed VSCode and went to install some extensions and noticed that no icons were showing up associated with the extensions. Yes I know thats of no real consequence but it just really stood out compared to the screen shots on the vscode page.

This is what is shown as a screen shot on the vscode page:


This is what I see in vscode:


like image 764
ddevalco Avatar asked Aug 16 '16 14:08


People also ask

How do I add icons to VS Code extension?

The basic step is to install vscode-icons into your VSCode from marketplace. After get installed, then go to your extension setting page by two ways: File > Preferences > Settings > Extensions. [Ctrl+,] > Extensions.

What is the extension icon called in the Visual Studio Code?

You can set the icon in the extension's package. json file, which is also called "extension manifest".

1 Answers

I found the fix was as simple as dragging the window splitter and making it larger. Icons will then appear. The view was simply too compact for the icons apparently.

like image 191
ddevalco Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10
