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How to set vscode format golang code on save?

I'm using vscode with Go extensions to edit golang source code. Each time I want to format code, I have to press Ctrl-Shift-i on linux, Shift-Alt-F on Windows, or Ctrl-Shift-p and type format. Is it possible to set format on save, that is, when I press ctrl-s, it format the code automatically using go.fmt (or something alike)?

like image 735
Nick Avatar asked Feb 23 '16 07:02


People also ask

How do you format code on save in VS Code?

To automatically format the file on save, In Visual Studio Code, press Control + Shift + P or Command + Shift + P (Mac) to open the command palette and type setting and then select Preferences: Open User Settings option. Search for format on save setting and check the checkbox.

How do I change the format in VS Code?

VS Code has great support for source code formatting. The editor has two explicit format actions: Format Document (Ctrl+Shift+I) - Format the entire active file. Format Selection (Ctrl+K Ctrl+F) - Format the selected text.

How do I save without auto format VS Code?

TIL how to save a file on VSCode without auto formatting being applied: CMD + K S . This can be useful in situations where one is working in a repository and is not interested in having a big file auto formatted, just for the sake of a trivial change.

1 Answers

You should install this plugin: https://github.com/golang/vscode-go. One of the options is to set "auto format" on save: go.formatOnSave": false. It uses the Golang tooling for formatting.

like image 110
Rogier Lommers Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 10:09

Rogier Lommers