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VSCode extension: embed standard language in mine

I need to embed standard languages (for example JavaScript) in my language extension. This means I want to see autocompletes, syntax higlighting etc. as in file.js. Can I do this (how)?

Thank you for any examples!

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Rus Avatar asked Feb 26 '18 08:02


People also ask

How do I change the language standard in Visual Studio Code?

You can also override the default UI language by explicitly setting the VS Code display language using the Configure Display Language command. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to bring up the Command Palette then start typing "display" to filter and display the Configure Display Language command.

Can VS Code run all languages?

In Visual Studio Code, we have support for almost every major programming language. Several ship in the box, for example, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, and HTML but more rich language extensions can be found in the VS Code Marketplace.

What language is VS Code extensions written in?

VS Code extensions support two main languages: JavaScript and TypeScript.

How do I add another language to Visual Studio?

Modify language packsChoose the Language packs tab in the Visual Studio Installer. Select the language you prefer. Follow the prompts.

2 Answers

You can continue abc-lang example in Embedded Languages guide with additional grammar syntaxes/abc.tmLanguage.json:

    "scopeName": "source.abc",
    "patterns": [ { "include": "#expression" } ],
    "repository": {
        "expression": {
            "patterns": [
                { "include": "#letter" },
                { "include": "#paren-expression" },
                { "include": "#code" }
        "letter": {
            "match": "a|b|c",
            "name": "keyword.letter"
        "paren-expression": {
            "begin": "\\(",
            "end": "\\)",
            "beginCaptures": {
                "0": { "name": "punctuation.paren.open" }
            "endCaptures": {
                "0": { "name": "punctuation.paren.close" }
            "name": "expression.group",
            "patterns": [ { "include": "#expression" } ]
        "code": {
            "begin": "```js",
            "end": "```",
            "beginCaptures": {
                "0": { "name": "punctuation.code.open" }
            "endCaptures": {
                "0": { "name": "punctuation.code.close" }
            "name": "meta.embedded.block.javascript",
            "patterns": [ { "include": "source.js" } ]

Permalink for Matt's comment is https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/5712574281bb096a2dd4ceda7e266d507f775b45/extensions/html/syntaxes/html.tmLanguage.json#L1936

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Nhan D Le Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 23:09

Nhan D Le

Syntax highlighting is easy, just include the top level scope of the language to be embeded. Html for example uses "include": "source.js" to add js syntax highlighting inside script blocks.

IntelliSense is considerably more difficult. Again, take a look at what vscode's HTML extension does. It basically splits html files into virtual documents (one for script blocks, one for style blocks, one for html) and then embeds the required language libraries for each of these languages to provide IntelliSense. The Vetur extension also does something similar. In both cases, the extensions owns the top level document (html or vue) and then delegate to the correct embedded language based on where IntelliSense requests are made

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Matt Bierner Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

Matt Bierner