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VisualStudioCode - how to enable current cursor position

How do I enable this view? To show current cursor position (line, column) and number of selected characters? I think I've checked all possible values in the settings, yet I still do not know where to find it.


like image 610
meso_2600 Avatar asked Feb 22 '19 10:02


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How do I get the current cursor position in Visual Studio?

Visual Basic Procedure to Get/Set Cursor Position Summary. You can make a Windows API (application programming interface) call to a Microsoft Windows DLL (dynamic-link Library) to get and set the current cursor position. The current position can be obtained by using the GetCursorPos function in USER32.DLL. More Information

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To add cursors at arbitrary positions, select a position with your mouse and use Alt+Click ( Option+Click on macOS). To set cursors above or below the current position use: Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+Up or Ctrl+Alt+Down You can add additional cursors to all occurrences of the current selection with Ctrl+Shift+L.

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Click the status bar or use the Go To Position palette command to move the cursor by offset. New position is previewed while typing it in (similar to goto line) Cursor and selection restored if setting position is abandoned with esc Cursor position can also be + number or - number for moving the cursor relative to the current position.

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2 Answers

Please follow these steps

View -> Appearance -> Show Status Bar

enter image description here

like image 44
Lalit Rajput Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 06:11

Lalit Rajput

If you don't see the position and selection count, it is probably the case that you have too much items in the status bar. Disable the ones are not relevant to you by right clicking on the status bar:

Status bar options

Also if you don't use your entire screen width, they also disappear if there isn't enough real-estate. Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to set priority to the items.

like image 54
Ivan Torres Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 06:11

Ivan Torres