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VS2017 Setup Project - Where?

I'm trying to create a setup project / installer for a C# project but can't find the 'setup project' template in VS2017.

In VS2015 it was under: Other Project Types >> Setup and Deployment >> Visual Studio Installer and I used that several times without any problem.

That is not present on my VS2017. Is there something else I need to install?

I've looked through all the installed options and also tried the Online section, but searching for 'Setup' only brings up 'Mastercam NET-Hook'.

I've also looked on Stack Overflow but all the questions appear to be about problems within a Setup Project and not creating it in the first place.

Google brings up lots of questions for earlier versions (2013 etc) but nothing I could see for VS2017.

What am I missing?

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DaveEP Avatar asked Apr 09 '17 15:04


People also ask

Where is setup and Deployment in Visual Studio 2017?

In Visual Studio, select the Extensions > Manage Extensions menu item. In the Manage Extensions dialog, expand Online > Visual Studio Marketplace > Tools and select Setup & Deployment. In the list of extensions, select Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects 2022. Choose the Download button.

Where is setup project Visual Studio 2019?

Go to Extensions > Manage Extensions > Online > Search, find, download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects extension. 2). Add a new Setup Project in your solution > right-click Application Folder > Add > Project Output… > choose the corresponding Project > select Primary output > OK.

Where is Visual Studio installer location?

The \Microsoft\VisualStudio\Shared directory is where Visual Studio stores the files that are shared by side-by-side Visual Studio installations. SDKs and tools are also stored in this directory.

What is setup project in Visual Studio?

From Visual Studio, choose Extensions > Manage Extensions, and search for "Visual Studio Installer Projects". Or, download the extension directly from the Marketplace. From the Start window, choose Create a new project, and then type "setup" in the search box. Choose a Setup project, and follow instructions.

1 Answers

You must use the official Microsoft extension to do that, it's available here!

like image 161
Luís Chaves Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10

Luís Chaves