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EntityFramework Code First FluentAPI DefaultValue in EF6.X

How can I set the default value using EntityFramework Code First FluentAPI for bool property?

Something like:

Property(l => l.PropertyFlag).HasColumnType("bit").DefaultValue(1); 
like image 312
Tony Bao Avatar asked Nov 25 '13 17:11

Tony Bao

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2 Answers

Good news, code first now supports this. In the "Up()" method of the generated migration, specify a default with the following syntax:

AddColumn("[table name]", "[column name]", c => c.Boolean(nullable: false, defaultValue: false)); 

MSDN for "AddColumn" method

like image 126
htxryan Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09


I'm not sure about a fluent way, but you can simply set the property in a parameterless constructor...

public class MyTable {     public MyTable()     {         CanSetDefault = true;     }      public bool CanSetDefault {get; set; } } 


A quick google suggests it is not possible using the fluent api...

like image 44
NinjaNye Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
