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VS2010 installer - how to set [manufacturer] and other such properties

I'm working on a VS2010 installer for a Windows Service project. I want to set the [manufacturer] property for the project, but I can't see where it is located in 2010.

When I try to install currently, it converts [manufacturer] to 'Microsoft'.

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pearcewg Avatar asked Jun 30 '11 21:06


People also ask

Where is Visual Studio installer settings?

In the Windows Start menu, you can search for "installer", and then select Visual Studio Installer from the results. If you have Visual Studio open, select Tools > Get Tools and Features..., which opens the Visual Studio Installer.

How do I add a setup file in Visual Studio?

Go to Extensions > Manage Extensions > Online > Search, find, download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects extension. 2). Add a new Setup Project in your solution > right-click Application Folder > Add > Project Output… > choose the corresponding Project > select Primary output > OK.

2 Answers

I can tell from your response to @mrchief's answer that you're looking in the wrong place. The assembly info source file sets the properties for the installed component. But you probably want to change the name on the setup program.

In the Properties window for the Setup project, set the Author and Manufacturer properties.

enter image description here

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Hans Passant Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10

Hans Passant

You should choose the Setup project in the Solution Explorer window and press F4.

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Oleg Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10
