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VS2010 CTRL+M keyboard shortcut has stopped working

I have a strange problem which seems to have recently appeared. I used to be able to press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + M + O to 'collapse to definitions' in VS2010 when editing code, but it seems suddenly the CTRL + M key seems to have stopped working. When I now press the key combination I get the Open File dialogue.

I have tried the obvious things like resetting the keyboard scheme in Tools > Options but this has had no effect, I did also check that the default mapping for the keys were present and no other settings were overriding it in VS2010.

I have tried searching for an answer on the internet but can't find any other solutions. Has anyone heard of this happening before and do you know of a way to resolve this problem.

In addition, I very recently installed the new Windows Live Essentials 2011 suite, I am starting to wonder if this has any relation to this, although I'm not sure why it would! I have not had any of the apps running whilst VS2010 has been open. This could be of course a red herring!

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DevTez Avatar asked Oct 06 '10 11:10


People also ask

What is Ctrl M keyboard shortcut?

In Microsoft Word and other word processor programs, pressing Ctrl + M indents the paragraph. If you press this keyboard shortcut more than once, it continues to indent further. For example, you could hold down the Ctrl and press M three times to indent the paragraph by three units.

2 Answers

Start killing processes with Taskmgr.exe, Processes tab. You'll eventually find the one that's sucking Ctrl + M with a windows hook.

Just to confirm, from more than one question and comment about this, it is the Microsoft Bing toolbar that causes the problem. Uninstalling it is the only known workaround right now.

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Hans Passant Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09

Hans Passant

Skype was the culprit for me. Turns out I enabled keyboard shortcuts for it and Ctrl + M was "Mute Microphone". Hope this helps others.

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Jacob Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
