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Vlookup referring to table data in a different sheet




I would like to use a VLOOKUP function referring to a data table placed in a different sheet from the one where the VLOOKUP function in written.

Example: in Sheet 1, cell AA3 I would like to insert the VLOOKUP function. I want the function to check the number in cell M3, find the same number in Sheet 2 range address A2:Q47 first column, and reproduce the value in the 13th column of that table.

I've written this function but it reports #N/A as a result:

like image 629
Gianluca Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 18:02


1 Answers

One of the common problems with VLOOKUP is "data mismatch" where #N/A is returned because a numeric lookup value doesn't match a text-formatted value in the VLOOKUP table (or vice versa)

Does either of these versions work?




The former converts a numeric lookup value to text (assuming that lookup table 1st column contains numbers formatted as text). The latter does the reverse, changing a text-formatted lookup value to a number.

Depending on which one works (assuming one does) then you may want to permanently change the format of your data so that the standard VLOOKUP will work

like image 195
barry houdini Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10

barry houdini