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Visualize tree in bash, like the output of unix "tree"





Given input:

apple: banana eggplant
banana: cantaloupe durian

I would like to concatenate it into the format:

├─ apple
│  ├─ banana
│  │   ├─ cantaloupe
│  │   └─ durian
│  └─ eggplant
└─ fig

There may or may not be multiple root elements (in the above example, there are two root elements), and I would like to find a solution that handles them without an issue.

Are there any command line tools that can handle this kind of transformation? Failing that, is there anything in other scripting languages that can handle this somewhat easily (I've looked at Python's pprint but I'm not sure how to use it for something like this either)?

like image 648
Caleb Xu Avatar asked Aug 22 '15 02:08

Caleb Xu

People also ask

How do I show tree in Linux?

You need to use command called tree. It will list contents of directories in a tree-like format. It is a recursive directory listing program that produces a depth indented listing of files. When directory arguments are given, tree lists all the files and/or directories found in the given directories each in turn.

What is the output of tree command?

It will display the contents of the working directory recursively showing sub-directories and files, and a summary of the total number of sub-directories and files. You can enable the printing of hidden files using the -a flag. 2.

What is tree command in bash?

The “tree” command is a very extensively used Bash command in Linux. It is used to display the contents of any desired directory of your computer system in the form of a tree structure.

How do I use tree directory?

Actually displaying trees with the tree command is simple. Simply calling tree in the current directory will show a tree of the directory. You can also have tree follow symbolic links on the system with the -l option. Otherwise, it'll display symbolic links with the "link -> target" format.

2 Answers

following code shall produce the tree structure you are asking for:

branch = '├'
pipe = '|'
end = '└'
dash = '─'

class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self, tag):
        self.tag = tag

class Node(Tree):
    def __init__(self, tag, *nodes):
        super(Node, self).__init__(tag)
        self.nodes = list(nodes)

class Leaf(Tree):

def _draw_tree(tree, level, last=False, sup=[]):
    def update(left, i):
        if i < len(left):
            left[i] = '   '
        return left

    print ''.join(reduce(update, sup, ['{}  '.format(pipe)] * level)) \
          + (end if last else branch) + '{} '.format(dash) \
          + str(tree.tag)
    if isinstance(tree, Node):
        level += 1
        for node in tree.nodes[:-1]:
            _draw_tree(node, level, sup=sup)
        _draw_tree(tree.nodes[-1], level, True, [level] + sup)

def draw_tree(trees):
    for tree in trees[:-1]:
        _draw_tree(tree, 0)
    _draw_tree(trees[-1], 0, True, [0])

it requires you represent the data using given form.

about your data deserialization, you just need to keep track of the parent nodes, such that when a leaf appears to be a node, you just replace it:

class Track(object):
    def __init__(self, parent, idx):
        self.parent, self.idx = parent, idx

def parser(text):
    trees = []
    tracks = {}
    for line in text.splitlines():
        line = line.strip()
        key, value = map(lambda s: s.strip(), line.split(':', 1))
        nodes = value.split()
        if len(nodes):
            parent = Node(key)
            for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
                tracks[node] = Track(parent, i)
            curnode = parent
            if curnode.tag in tracks:
                t = tracks[curnode.tag]
                t.parent.nodes[t.idx] = curnode
            curnode = Leaf(key)
            if curnode.tag in tracks:
                # well, how you want to handle it?
                pass # ignore
    return trees

it runs:

>>> text='''apple: banana eggplant
banana: cantaloupe durian
>>> draw_tree(parser(text))
├─ apple
|  ├─ banana
|  |  ├─ cantaloupe
|  |  └─ durian
|  └─ eggplant
└─ fig

hope it fully deals with your problem.


my code offers some concern over corner cases, for example:

>>> text='''apple: banana eggplant
banana: cantaloupe durian
>>> draw_tree(parser(text))
└─ apple
   ├─ banana
   |  ├─ cantaloupe
   |  └─ durian
   └─ eggplant

notice the left most side of subnodes of apple, there is no | to the end because they are suppressed.

or empty in the middle:

>>> text='''apple: banana
banana: cantaloupe durian
>>> draw_tree(parser(text))
├─ apple
|  └─ banana
|     ├─ cantaloupe
|     └─ durian
└─ eggplant
like image 78
Jason Hu Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 20:09

Jason Hu

This question is old, but here is a networkx version of the first solution:

def nx_ascii_tree(graph, key=None):
    Creates an printable ascii representation of a directed tree / forest.

        graph (nx.DiGraph): each node has at most one parent (
            i.e. graph must be a directed forest)
        key (str): if specified, uses this node attribute as a label instead of
            the id


        >>> import networkx as nx
        >>> graph = nx.dfs_tree(nx.balanced_tree(2, 2), 0)
        >>> text = nx_ascii_tree(graph)
        >>> print(text)
        └── 0
           ├── 1
           │  ├── 3
           │  └── 4
           └── 2
              ├── 5
              └── 6
    import six
    import networkx as nx
    branch = '├─'
    pipe = '│'
    end = '└─'
    dash = '─'

    assert nx.is_forest(graph)
    assert nx.is_directed(graph)

    lines = []

    def _draw_tree_nx(graph, node, level, last=False, sup=[]):
        def update(left, i):
            if i < len(left):
                left[i] = '   '
            return left

        initial = ['{}  '.format(pipe)] * level
        parts = six.moves.reduce(update, sup, initial)
        prefix = ''.join(parts)
        if key is None:
            node_label = str(node)
            node_label = str(graph.nodes[node]['label'])

        suffix = '{} '.format(dash) + node_label
        if last:
            line = prefix + end + suffix
            line = prefix + branch + suffix

        children = list(graph.succ[node])
        if children:
            level += 1
            for node in children[:-1]:
                _draw_tree_nx(graph, node, level, sup=sup)
            _draw_tree_nx(graph, children[-1], level, True, [level] + sup)

    def draw_tree(graph):
        source_nodes = [n for n in graph.nodes if graph.in_degree[n] == 0]
        if source_nodes:
            level = 0
            for node in source_nodes[:-1]:
                _draw_tree_nx(graph, node, level, last=False, sup=[])
            _draw_tree_nx(graph, source_nodes[-1], level, last=True, sup=[0])

    text = '\n'.join(lines)
    return text
like image 38
Erotemic Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
