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Visual Studio stops debugging with no errors unexpectedly

I am debugging a project and Visual Studio stops debugging and closes the program on the following line with no exceptions or error messages (I have enabled notifications for any thrown exceptions in options):

var query = Session.Linq<RSS>()
            .Where(x => x.LastRetrieved <= date || x.LastRetrieved == null)
            .Where(x => x.Moderated);

Where Session.Linq refers to LINQ2NHibernate. Anyway, the question is: what are the possible reasons for such behavior? Tested both on VS 2010 and 2008 - they behave identically just falling out of debugging.

Update. If I change application type to "Console Application" it behaves normally. Very strange.

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Egor Pavlikhin Avatar asked May 02 '10 11:05

Egor Pavlikhin

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1 Answers

I had a similar problem and although this might not be a solution for your case above, I hope it will help someone else out there.

I had to reference a class that was written by someone else that looked like this:

    public class ItemPrice
        public bool sucessIndicator
            get { return sucessIndicator; }
            set { sucessIndicator = value; }

        public string productCode
            get { return productCode; }
            set { productCode = value; }

        public string description
            get { return description; }
            set { description = value; }

        public double price
            get { return price; }
            set { price = value; }

At first glance it looks ok right... until you notice that each property is referencing it self and not a private member.


public string description
            get { return description; }
            set { description = value; }

is referencing it self recursively and causes a stack overflow exception that did not get shown to me in VS even though I had all exceptions enabled. It just stopped debugging with no warning.

The solution was of course to change it more like this:

public string description

Hope that helps someone.

like image 172
Ghlouw Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10
