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Visual Studio Start/Continue Button is Greyed Out after Debug

This may be the wrong community to ask in (maybe SuperUser?) however I am experiencing a bug with VS. It is very minor but I was curious to see if anyone has seen this before or knows how to fix it.

I have run my project to debug and then upon exiting the application i.e. Application.Current.Shutdown() and Environment.Exit(0) the button at the top, that would usually return to saying start and being enabled, remains disabled and reads "continue".

All of the other methods of debugging the project are still available (Debug Menu / f5), however, it is still a conundrum nonetheless. Please respond if you have seen this before and/or you are aware of a fix.

Please see the image below.

Greyed out Continue Button

EDIT: Further Information; (any further information that is requested will be added here)

  • My application is C# and was started as a WPF Application.

EDIT: Bounty timing out - Just a note, I have updated to latest versions of VS and the basic extensions and I am still experiencing the problem.

like image 245
Lewis Heslop Avatar asked May 31 '16 10:05

Lewis Heslop

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1 Answers

You can try Application.Exit(); instead of Application.Current.Shutdown()

if still happens, you can try to kill the VS first in the task manager. Then reopen the project.

This one also, you can try to visit this link as my referral.

How to use Application.Exit Event in WPF?

like image 72
Joshua Dela Cruz Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10

Joshua Dela Cruz