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Visual studio - precompile - dotless

I wonder if there is a way to precompile *.less files(http://www.dotlesscss.org/) with visual studio.

The site gives me a dotless.compiler.exe but I am not sure how to hook this up to visual studio. I am looking for a solution for both Webforms and ASP.NET MVC.

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Pickels Avatar asked Feb 01 '10 12:02


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1 Answers

Depending on your build environment, you can kick off dotless.Compiler.exe as a build task.

For example, using a Pre-Build task in Visual Studio (all 1 line):

$(SolutionDir)Tools\dotLess\dotless.compiler.exe -m      $(ProjectDir)content\css\site.less $(ProjectDir)content\css\site.css 

The macros ($(SolutionDir), etc) allow a bit of flexibility to project and file locations. Rather than using the standard .less files, simply reference the new .css files in your markup.

like image 182
David R. Longnecker Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10

David R. Longnecker