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Visual Studio macro to find a string and delete matching lines

In my Visual Studio (2010 C#) solution, I need to delete all lines of code that contain a matching string pattern.

For example, I want to delete all lines that contain ".BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;". The Find and Replace feature of Visual Studio isn't good enough, because you cannot tell it to wipe out the matching lines.

So I think I would need a macro for that. Any help is appreciated.

like image 765
Hadster Avatar asked Nov 02 '11 21:11


People also ask

How do you delete lines with certain keywords in VSCode?

*\n? Then ALT - Enter will select all lines that match and Delete will eliminate them including the lines they occupied. You can also fire the replace with an empty field, instead of using a keyboard combination. It works fine also.

4 Answers

You can use the "Find and Replace" feature of Visual Studio to delete matching lines.

The key is to match the whole line including the end of line character as well. You can do this in wildcard or regular expression mode. In wildcard mode, begin the expression with * and end the expression with *\n. The asterisks will match any number of characters, and the \n will match the end of line character.

In your case, your find query would be "*.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;*\n". The replace field should then be left blank.

To enable wildcard mode, select 'Wildcards' in the 'Use:' field of the 'Find options' section of the 'Find and Replace' dialog.

Example showing how to turn on wildcard mode

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benblasdell Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 21:10


With Visual Studio 2015 this worked for me. Open Search window, check the "use regular expressions" checkmark. Fill "find what" with


fill "replace" with an empty string.

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HolgerJeromin Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 21:10


I tend to create macros in VS by running the macro recorder then editing the resulting code.

So, manually search for the pattern, and press F3. Stop the macro then (or press the line-start key, select to end of line, press delete and then stop the macro).

Edit the macro, the command to delete a line is:


You can set the find text with FindText:

DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText(".BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;", vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsFromStart)
like image 6
gbjbaanb Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10


Building upon @HolgerJeromin's answer: instead of guessing the right indentation match (could be tabs could be spaces could be more or less), I prefer matching the beginning of the line using the ^\s* pattern.

For example, to remove all lines having a ProducesResponseType attribute, I use


(works on Windows too using VS 2019).

like image 5
Dejan Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10
