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Visual Studio indent HTML tag contents

I have Resharper and Web Essentials installed in Visual Studio 2013, and would like to have the contents of an HTML tag in my .cshtml files be indented.

So what I do NOT want (and seems to be the default):


I DO want it to look like:


I've removed everything from Resharper -> Options -> Code Editing -> HTML -> Formatting Style -> Do Not Indent Children Of.

I've also checked Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> HTML (Web Forms) -> Formatting -> Tag Specific Options -> Client Specific Tags -> html -> Indent Contents to no avail.

Note that I don't have a Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> HTML -> Formatting, instead I have two subtrees, HTML and HTML (Web Forms), where only HTML (Web Forms) has the Formatting option.

Anyone know of a way to get Visual Studio to do this? It's very annoying to see my perfectly formatted HTML document go out the window whenever I add a new tag. Thanks!

like image 386
MatthewSot Avatar asked Dec 11 '14 00:12


2 Answers

I'm a bit late to the party, but it looks like you can fix this by removing "html, body" from "HTML -> Formatting Style -> (Around tags) Do not indent children of"

See here: enter image description here

like image 169
Sean Anderson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Sean Anderson

One more reason why Resharper doesn't indent tag content - size of tag. Look for option Resharper -> Options -> Code Editing -> HTML -> Formatting Style -> Do not indent children if tag size more than If count of lines too much, Resharper' formatter doesn't indnent it. Try to set value e.g. 10000

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WinnieThePoooh Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09
