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Visual Studio freezes or hangs on startup

People also ask

Why does Visual Studio freeze so much?

The freeze of the solution is caused by a feature that is meant to fasten up solution loading: parallel project initialization. It seems to be an issue that some others already had with 16.2. x versions, so it may be a regression (as it is flagged as fixed).

Why my VS code is hanging?

If while opening a large file, VSCode freezes and then crashes, you need to delete some files. So, open Run, paste “%AppData%” and click Ok. Now, open Code > Backup and then delete the only folder that is inside that directory. Finally, restart VSCode and see if the issue persists.

Why does Visual Studio keep crashing?

If you experience crashes of Visual Studio, typically when working with a very large solution, your IDE might be out of virtual memory. Typical indicators of the problem include a "one or more errors occurred" message, "the process appears to be deadlocked" message, and OutOfMemory exception in a crash dump.

Have you tried resetting user settings? It did help me:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe /ResetUserData

Run: Devenv /ResetSkipPkgs



You are probably looking for the /SafeMode command line switch:

devenv.exe /SafeMode

This will start Visual Studio with all add-ins disabled.

You can change your Visual Studio 2010 start up settings.

Tools --> Options --> Startup --> At startup --> Show empty environment --> Save

Visual Studio has a plugins limit. Use only plugins that best for you. There is a list for best Visual Studio 2010 plugins for developers.

Visual Studio 2010 - recommended extensions

devenv.exe /ResetSettings


devenv.exe /ResetSetting

Worked fine for me