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Visual Studio Failed to clone the remote repository (Early EOF) - GIT

I've recently followed this guide Installing a Git Server using Apache (WebDAV) on Ubuntu Server 12.04 to setup a local Git Server using Apache (WebDAV).

I have pushed my source code to the Git Server through command prompt.

I want to be able to do is pull / push / commit this source code using Visual Studio. From what I have read its appears to be possible. I'm getting the following error message when you try and clone this source code through visual studio:

Error encountered while cloning the remote repository: Early EOF

Any help or pointers would be appreciated.

like image 888
Flexo Avatar asked Oct 07 '15 04:10


1 Answers

For this 2015 question to be resolved in 2017 (for Morgan G), you should use a recent Git HTTP server, with a recent Visual Studio and a recent Git.

That is because:

  • https url don't use anymore the old webdav protocol, but the more modern "smart http" and its /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend script. Normally, we no longer use DAV on in an Apache configuration for Git purposes.
  • A more recent version of Visual Studio, called "15" switched from libgit2 to Git itself.
  • For big Git repo being cloned, you would need (as in here):

    git config --global --add core.compression -1
    git config --global http.postBuffer 1048576000
like image 50
VonC Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 17:10
