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Visual Studio Error: (407: Proxy Authentication Required)

I am behind a corporate proxy server which requires credentials. I have been trying to connect to a TFS server (on tfspreview.com) with MS Visual Studio Pro 2012 for the last 2 hours with no success. Every attempt has been met with this error:

enter image description here

The integrated browser works fine when I initiate it. It asks me for my proxy login credentials and once entered, off I go. So there is some different method of connection happening here.

I have also navigated to the TFS server, and once in my project I clicked Open new instance of Visual Studio. The new instance fails with this message in the output:

HTTP code 407: Proxy Authentication Required 

I have tried everything that I found on another post to no avail. I have made every edit and combination edits to devev.exe.config that I have found with no success.

Could it be that the 2010 version is somehow different than the 2012 Pro edition? I am running Windows 7.

Can anyone shed some light? Please?

Note: This problem also applies to Visual Studio 2013

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gillytech Avatar asked Dec 05 '12 06:12


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Tools->Options->Web Browser->Internet Explorer Options->Connections-> LAN settings-> Proxy server -> Advance add your proxy IP and port here.

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The HTTP 407 Proxy Authentication Required client error status response code indicates that the request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for a proxy server that is between the browser and the server that can access the requested resource.

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This error is related to proxy authentication. To view or change your proxy settings in Google Ads Editor, select Tools > Settings (Windows) or Google Ads Editor > Preferences (Mac). Was this helpful?

1 Answers

After three days of searching, the solution fell into my lap.

Now, what happened was VS tried to do an automatic update but was stopped by the proxy. I was prompted for credentials and the check took place.

I was inspired to check the TFS server connection just for kicks in case that prompt would possibly establish a connection for the TFS server to tunnel through... lo and behold! It worked!


  1. Open TOOLS>Extensions & Updates
  2. Click on Updates... in the left-hand menu
  3. There will be a failure notice on screen and a link to enter your credentials. Click it and enter them.
  4. Close the Extension manager.
  5. Click TEAM>Connect to TFS server...
  6. Enter the address and it will work!

Note: Some have suggested trying to use the proxy credential prompt by opening the integrated browser but this has not worked. I am not an expert but I think they are connecting through different channels within windows itself.

There is no editing of devenv.exe.config required for this to work.

It will be a pain to have to check for updates manually every time you need to connect to the server, but this is the best solution I have come up with until Microsoft fixes this issue permanently with an update or future release.

like image 186
gillytech Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
