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Visual Studio debugger - Displaying integer values in Hex

People also ask

How can I see the variable value while debugging in Visual Studio?

Hover over a variable to see its value. When stopped in the debugger hover the mouse cursor over the variable you want to look at. The DataTip will appear showing you the value of that variable. If the variable is an object, you can expand the object by clicking on the arrow to see the elements of that object.

Right-click your Watch Window or Immediate Window and uncheck Hexadecimal Display option.

enter image description here

You can also choose hexadecimal or decimal display on a per-variable basis in the Visual Studio watch window by appending a debugger format specifier to the variable name. In the watch window, enter:


The other very useful format specifiers are ac (see footnote) for 'always calculate', and nq for displaying with 'no quotes.' They can be used together:


nq is useful inside DebuggerDisplay attributes, which can appear on a class:

class MyClass
    /* ...example continues below... */

...or on one or more field(s) inside a class:

    [DebuggerDisplay("{some_field,nq}", Name="substitute name here")]
    int an_integer;

    String some_field;


  • note that earlier versions of the MSDN doc page incorrectly said 'Ac' (with a capital 'A')--which doesn't work

There is a Hex button shown when Visual Studio is run in Debug mode to enable/disable the Hex display

Visual Studio Debug Mode - hex button

Right-click on client space of almost every debug window (except Immediate Window) - watch/locals/autos/threads/call stack - and uncheck "Hexadecimal Display" option. There's also a "Hex" button in debug toolbar (right to "Step Over" by default) when debugging.

In Visual Studio 2010 I also saw it in the Debug toolbar, it was highlighted in yellow 'Hex', I just clicked it and it returned to (normal) decimal values

In the immediate window you can uncheck the Hexadecimal Display option.

Visual Studio 2017 Decimal vs. hexadecimal display is controlled only from the Watch dialog.

  1. Break after setting the variable.
  2. Right mouse click the variable and select "Add Watch" or "QuickWatch"
  3. Right mouse click the line in the Watch dialogue.
  4. Uncheck "Hexadecimal Display"

The display will now be in decimal.

enter image description here