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Visual Studio Code - previous search

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How do I search VS Code history?

Visual Studio Code allows us to check the history of navigated files in Navigation History lists. You can open this window from “Goto–> Navigation History” or by just simply pressing Ctrl + Tab. This will bring list of all previously navigated files with in Visual Studio Code.

Does Visual Studio code have local history?

A visual source code plugin for maintaining local history of files. You can easily navigate between history files with the local-history tree in the explorer pane. When you click on a file, a comparaison with the current version is displayed.

Up: Shows the previous term in history

Down: Shows the next term in history

You can customize the keybinding to your liking using history.showPrevious and history.showNext

It's Up and Down in the search edit box. It used to be that you had to use alt, but later they added just the arrow keys by themselves. The keyboard shortcut is customizable under history.showPrevious and history.showNext

definitely it should be accessible by UI. Although the minimalistic UI is the best of VSC

you can navigate search recent history by Alt+up/donw