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Is there a way to turn on ES6/ES7 syntax support in vscode?

Edit 3: Starting in version 0.4.0, ES6 syntax can be turned on by adding a jsconfig.json file to the project folder with the following contents:

{     "compilerOptions": {         "target": "ES6"     } } 

Edit 2: You can vote for this feature on user voice

Is there a way to "turn on" ES6/ES7 in Visual Studio Code?


Edit 1

Tried @sarvesh's suggestion- overrode javascript.validate.target and restarted vscode. Didn't help.

like image 855
Jeremy Danyow Avatar asked Apr 29 '15 19:04

Jeremy Danyow

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1 Answers

It's quite easy, at the root of your project create a jsconfig.json file and write this object in it:

{     "compilerOptions": {         "target": "ES6",         "module": "commonjs"     } } 
like image 176
Oliv Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 21:11
