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Visual Studio Code: Disable quote wrapping text selection

When I want to change from double quotes to single quotes, I'm used to selecting the double quote, and then type a single quote. I'm intending to use the overwrite feature, but instead, I'm getting the 'wrap with quote' feature.

For example:


Would result in:


I always turn this auto surround with wrapping off, but I was unable to find a setting for this in the settings file...

Is there a way to turn this off?

like image 392
Jaap Avatar asked Oct 20 '15 12:10


People also ask

How do you wrap text in a quote in VS Code?

Select the word you want to surround it with and enter Ctrl + Alt + T . Then just key in whatever key you want to surround it with.

How do you select everything between quotes and VS Code?

Ctrl + K ' select everything between single quotes.

1 Answers

It is possible!

 "editor.autoClosingBrackets" : "never" 

(Located in settings.json which you can open in Editor via File>Preferences>UserSettings)

Sadly this setting covers ALL auto wrappings. Including braces, double quotes, single quotes and brackets. You cannot control them individually

UPDATE: autoClosingBrackets is obsolete. The new suggestion is:

"editor.autoSurround": "never" 
like image 164
Drkawashima Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09
