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How to trigger documentation popup in vscode

How to trigger a popup with documentation for identifier under the cursor? Normally it appears when hovering the identifier using the mouse pointer: enter image description here

I would like to achieve this effect using a command or keyboard shortcut.

The only related commands I found are: trigger completion (which doesn't show the function doc) and trigger parameters hint (which only works when the cursor is inside function call - parameters list).

like image 715
Robert Zaremba Avatar asked Nov 23 '17 12:11

Robert Zaremba

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2 Answers

This is the editor.action.showHover command. It is bound to cmdk cmdi by default.

Note: Shortcut works by holding down the cmd [ctrl in windows], then while holding press k then i

You can change the keyboard shortcut with a keybinding such as:

{     "key": "cmd+k ctrl+space",     "command": "editor.action.showHover",     "when": "editorTextFocus" } 
like image 151
Matt Bierner Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09

Matt Bierner

The default shortcut for Trigger Parameter Hints is Ctrl+Shift+Space

like image 43
Tae Soo Kim Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Tae Soo Kim