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Visual studio Code Collapse panes

Anyone know of a keyboard shortcut to collapse all the panes in visual studio code? I've had a look in the keyboard shortcut settings and couldn't find anything and searching on google just returns visual studio results.

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Scott w Avatar asked Jan 09 '23 03:01

Scott w

1 Answers

I use:

On Mac

  • B to collapse the "left" panel (file explorer, ...)
  • J to collapse the "bottom" panel (terminal, etc ...)
  • BJ to collapse both at once

On Windows

Same shortcuts but with Ctrl :

  • CtrlB to collapse the "left" panel (file explorer, ...)
  • CtrlJ to collapse the "bottom" panel (terminal, etc ...)
  • CtrlBJ to collapse both at once

The shortcut is fairly easy to remember.

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Michael P. Bazos Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 13:01

Michael P. Bazos