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Does Visual Studio Code have a 'back' button?

When I Cmd + click on the line of execution of a function (f()), it takes me to where the function was defined (f(){}). It'd be great to have a 'back' button to go back to wherever I was before, now that I've finished looking at the function. Does anyone know of such a feature or a feature that'd help?

P.S. I'm on Mac

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tonitone120 Avatar asked Jan 25 '23 13:01


2 Answers

It's not a button, but there's a keyboard shortcut: press alt + left arrow, and you'll be taken to the place where you were before. (Browsers and Windows Explorer have this shortcut too - alt + left arrow usually takes you to the previous page, but they also have back buttons)

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CertainPerformance Avatar answered Jan 27 '23 02:01


You're far from alone in missing the "go back" button (that I missed from Visual Studio). Here is one of multiple available VS Code plugins which provides just what you're missing:


You can find other plugins with search for "back button".

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M.Bearden Avatar answered Jan 27 '23 04:01
