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Visual Studio 2017 Doesn't Run Core Apps with IIS Express

I am having an issue with Visual Studio 2017 RC where when I run an MVC and/or WebAPI app using IIS Express the app never actually runs. Instead I get stuck with a page in the browser indicating it is trying to attach and from there it goes no further. If I open another tab/window in the browser and try to navigate directly to the launch URL, it just spins forever. Likewise when I run this using the dot net run command, the app launches and runs fine.

There do not seem to be any errors that I can see, just that the browser spins indefinitely without actually ever loading the page/endpoint.

Note: this occurs for most any circumstance. Newly created project in VS with no changes, known working project from previous versions, etc.

like image 226
Ryan Mendoza Avatar asked Feb 08 '17 18:02

Ryan Mendoza

People also ask

How do I run IIS Express in Visual Studio 2017?

Configure IIS express on visual studioSelect the web application project and open properties -> select the web tab -> under server's select IIS express-> Specify the project URL. Now open the project folder and . vs folder (Hidden) -> Config -> applicationhost.

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Visual Studio 2017 Support for .NET Framework, . NET Core, Mono, and . NET Native for Universal Windows Platform (UWP).

1 Answers

You could follow or upvote the issue: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/11391/aspnet-core-iis-express-httplocalhost51733-failed.html

Looks like our workarounds meanwhile are

  • dotnet run
  • Publish to local IIS. Which is working for me.
  • (Untested: downgrade from core-1.1 to core-1.0)

If you aren't familiar with VS2017/asp.net:

You have, or can reveal via View Menu-->Other Toolbars :

Debug toolbar --> dropdowncombobutton saying "[green arrow>] IIS Express"

  • Click on the dropdown downarrow part of the button.

You should see a Run {yourprojectname} option. This is the equivalent of dotnet run {yourprojectname} from the commandline.

You can configure the options that appear in the dropdown with

Right-click on project in solution explorer --> Properties --> Debug

like image 60
Chris F Carroll Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10

Chris F Carroll