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Visual Studio 2017 Docker support not available for ASP.Net Core Angular or React projects

Does anyone have any insight as to why Visual Studio 2017 has a check box that enables Docker support for ASP.NET Core for Empty, Web API, Web Application and Web Application (MVC) templates, but not for the SPA templates Angular, React.js, or React.js and Redux?

Are there any resources showing how to add Docker support to these SPA templates? My google-fu is strong, but I can't find any.

like image 994
Adam Vincent Avatar asked Oct 20 '17 12:10

Adam Vincent

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1 Answers

The reason you are seeing that error is that for SPA projects, the csproj contains commands to run steps defined in the package.json to do packaging (ng build, webpack, etc.). And that requires Node to be INSIDE the build container that needs to be added explicitly. You will have to ensure that the Node version you use in the container will work with the build image that you have chosen. Most times it should not be an issue, but in case it is at least you are now aware.

You will need to add the following to the Dockerfile after the dotnet build and before the dotnet publish steps as below. My example uses Node 10.13 since that is what is supported by the build image that we pull for Azure Container deployments.

RUN dotnet build ...

# **** Adding Node - Start
ADD https://nodejs.org/dist/v10.13.0/node-v10.13.0-win-x64.zip "C:\build\node-v10.13.0-win-x64.zip"
RUN PowerShell Expand-Archive C:\build\node-v10.13.0-win-x64.zip C:/
RUN PowerShell Rename-Item C:\node-v10.13.0-win-x64 node
ENTRYPOINT C:\node\node.exe
# **** Adding Node - End

FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish ...
like image 107
Himanshu Swami Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Himanshu Swami