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visual studio 2015 vshub is spamming fiddler

This is a relatively new problem because System.NET used to ignore proxy settings for localhost, and therefore Fiddler wouldn't see the traffic by default (http://docs.telerik.com/fiddler/Configure-Fiddler/Tasks/ConfigureDotNETApp) - see bottom section.

Now this no longer appears to be the case, so I expect more people will have the same question. Fiddler supports several ways to filter requests, though nothing that the client can control (which is probably good, since you wouldn't want malware from excluding its traffic). The most appropriate and simplest mechanism in this case is probably to set a filter for any url that contains localhost or vshub. You can do that by:

  1. Click the filters tab (it's a top-level tab, at the same level as inspectors, statistics, etc.),
  2. Check the checkbox labeled 'Use Filters'
  3. Scroll down and find the checkbox labeled 'Hide if URL contains'.
  4. Check that box, and enter either localhost or vshub into the accompanying textbox.
  5. You should see the vshub traffic stop immediately.

This filter will persist, so if you shutdown Fiddler and start it up again later, it will still be set.

These requests seem to come from the Diagnostic Tools window which runs when debugging. Seems as though they provide the monitoring information for Memory Usage and CPU Usage.

You can stop the requests if you don't care to see the usage information by disabling Memory/CPU monitoring in the Diagnostic Tools dialog box.

  • Open the Diagnostic Tools window (Debug -> Windows -> Show Diagnostic Tools)
  • Click the "Select Tools" drop-down and un-check Memory Usage and CPU Usage.
  • Stop debugging and next time you start debugging you should no longer see the requests being made to vshub

For me, the fix to stop "spamming" to Fiddler4, instead of a Fiddler filter, which I could have chosen to do, was to change a Visual Studio 2015 option:

Visual Studio 2015 -> Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General -> uncheck/disable "Enable Diagnostic Tools while debugging"

enter image description here

VSHUB.exe service must be the service that assists Diagnostic tools while debugging and is continously pinging your website/webapi/web app you are debugging. I do not need debugging. Diagnostic tools at this time so I just disabled it in Visual Studio

In regards to disabling VSHUB.exe, I was tempted to do that, until I read from someone at Microsoft, its best to not disable it for a better Visual Studio 2015 experience and they add new features to Visual Studio that utilize VSHUB.exe over time:

How do I disable VsHub.exe in the system tray?

The issue is caused by Visual Studio's Diagnostic Tools while debugging.

You can disable them by going to ToolsOptions, and then following the steps: enter image description here