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Visual Studio 2015 RC SP324099

Alright so just one day VS2015 RC Stopped working.

The problem is that I have to sign in but signing in doesn't work. I have to update my license but the only way to do it is to sign in.

When I try to sign in I get this error:

SP324099: Could not complete the operation.

I have tried reinstalling.

I have tried resetting user settings with devenv.exe /resetsettings.

I have tried renaming %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7DEBUG to something else. I changed it to VS7DEBUG1.

None of these helped.

I have searched far and wide for ways to solve this problem but I find nothing, can someone please help me.


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RockFrenzy Avatar asked Jul 15 '15 00:07


2 Answers

Updating my Internet Explorer from version 8 to 11 solved this Visual Studio issue for me. Note that you need to restart your computer before it actually takes effect.

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クリホ Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 08:01


Also very late to the party, but I just encountered this issue on VS2015 Community after reinstalling Windows, and managed to fix it without upgrading IE. On the right of the window where it shows the trial status there's an option to 'Check for updated licences', clicking on this and entering login information worked where the regular sign in window failed.

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russ Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 07:01
