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Visual Studio 2015 not automatically adding asterisk for multiline comments

When typing multi-line comments Visual studio used to add an automatic asterisk to each new line of the comment as I press enter(apparently 2015 does not do this anymore). I really liked this. As of right now though, if I type "/*" and enter, Visual studio does not try to autocomplete it at all. In fact, it even lets me end the comment with "*/", too, instead of doing it for me. So my question is: is anyone else experiencing this? How do I get the original functionality back, so each new line is automatically prefixed with an asterisk, and closed for me by "*/"?

I already checked and yes, my environment settings are set to C# and yes the option "Generate XML documentation comments for ///" is indeed checked in my settings.

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Krythic Avatar asked Aug 22 '15 00:08


1 Answers

This is a well-known problem, the feature fell by the way-side in the Roslyn refactoring of the C# Editor Features. Nothing to do with config or a change of preferences, it simply was not implemented.

It is currently being tracked by this Github issue. Status is "Up for grabs" right now with nobody having shown an interest in grabbing it yet as of today. Afaict, best to not hold your breath for it, I think they have several bigger fires to put out. It will surely be delivered in an update sooner or later.

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Hans Passant Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 13:10

Hans Passant