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Visual Studio 2015 RC Community will not install, says it is already installed

As the title implies, I am not able to install Visual Studio 2015 RC Community, and I keep getting the following errors. For the record, I am on Windows 8.1 Professional.

  1. Visual Studio Ultimate 2015 is currently installed on this machine. Please uninstall Visual Studio 2015 and retry.

  2. Visual Studio Professional 2015 is currently installed on this machine. Please uninstall Visual Studio 2015 and retry.

I would have provided the screenshot, but it would seem I have to have certain amount of reputation to do so. Sorry!

Pretty straightforward messages; just uninstall Visual Studio 2015. The only problem is that I uninstalled it a few months back. I have already made sure to manually remove anything and everything I could find regarding Visual Studio on my computer including performing a forced uninstall of Visual Studio and manually deleting the Visual Studio files from the Program Files directories.

Does anyone have any further tips on what to do next? I am at a loss at this point. And feel free to ask any questions that you feel may help with this issue.

Thanks in advance!

like image 238
Derik Taylor Avatar asked Jun 26 '15 19:06

Derik Taylor

People also ask

How do I download and install community in Visual Studio 2015?

Install the Build Tools for Visual Studio 2015Go to Microsoft Build Tools 2015 download page. Click the Download button.

1 Answers

I had a similiar issue and found finally as cause entries under

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\14.0. To modify/delete this entries (or the key itself) solved (for me) the problem.

By K.Hoffmann

like image 195
amaury Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09
