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Visual Studio 2015 and Git/TFS: Sync-Page-Error: Object not found - no matching loose object





I work with VS 2015 Enterprise on a branch of a git-repository that is pulled from my remote origin (= TFS 2015). I can change and commit something successfully. In the moment I go to the Sync-area in the Team Explorer I see an error on top:

An error occurred. Detailed message: Object not found - no matching loose object (<a 40-character-id is here>)

...and I don´t see my local commit in the list "Outgoing Commits" where I expected it to be.

But within the PowerShell I can execute "git push" without problems.

like image 406
Mike Avatar asked Oct 31 '22 14:10


1 Answers

I saw this message in VS 2015 professional when trying to switch back from a feature branch to the master branch. restarting VS fixed it.

like image 80
user829755 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
