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Visual Studio 2013 - Debug -> Start New Instance

I have a windows forms project and I would want to be able to start debugging 10 instances of that project at once.

When you normally debug a project you start only one instance. You can create additional ones by going to Debug -> Start New Instance.

Is it possible in Visual Studio to add a shortcut or a button or something that will be like: Debug 10 Instances and pop-up 10 instances of that project.

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David Dury Avatar asked Aug 01 '14 09:08

David Dury

People also ask

How do I start a new instance in Visual Studio?

To start debugging a project from Solution Explorer without making it the startup project, right-click the project and select Debug > Start new instance or Step into new instance.

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To stop on each statement when you're debugging, use Debug > Step Into, or select F11. The debugger steps through code statements, not physical lines. For example, an if clause can be written on one line: C#

How do I start a debugging session?

Once you have your launch configuration set, start your debug session with F5. Alternatively, you can run your configuration through the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) by filtering on Debug: Select and Start Debugging or typing 'debug ' and selecting the configuration you want to debug.

1 Answers

In the VS2013 menu you can go to Tools -> Options and then Environment->Keyboard.

Search for the "ClassViewContextMenus.ClassViewProject.Debug.Startnewinstance" command and map it to any shortcut you like.

Obviously, this starts a new instance everytime you hit the keyboard shortcut. If you don't want to do this 10 times every time you want to start debugging your project, the next step is to create an Add-In.

You can then bind a command to multiple keyboard shortcuts, or in your case to the same keyboard shortcut 10 times.

Edit: You are right. Add-ins are indeed deprecated in Visual Studio 2013, but they do still work though. I have Visual Studio 2013 with the Visual Studio 2013 SDK installed and under Other Project Types -> Extensibility I can create a new Visual Studio Add-in Project. Try it.

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Panayotis Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
