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Visual Studio 2013 editor default font size?

I want to set my VS 2013 editor font to 150%, and I want that size to be as default. So that any project I open, it could open with the same font size. How could it be possible?

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CodeSniper Avatar asked Aug 12 '14 12:08


People also ask

What is the default size of font of the text 1 2 3 4?

Set Font Size The range of accepted values is from 1(smallest) to 7(largest). The default size of a font is 3.

How do I increase font size in Visual Studio 2013?

Press Tools -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors -> Show Settings for: Text Editor there ist the Font Size Property.

What is the default unit for font size?

If a font-size has not been set on any of the <p> 's ancestors, then 1em will equal the default browser font-size , which is usually 16px . So, by default 1em is equivalent to 16px , and 2em is equivalent to 32px .

How do I fix default font size?

Go to Format > Font > Font. + D to open the Font dialog box. Select the font and size you want to use. Select Default, and then select Yes.

2 Answers

[Tools] -> [Options] -> [Environment] -> [Fonts and Colors]


Select from "Show settings for:" drop-down list.


Change font size in "Size:" text field.


[...] = Button/Click

"..." = Label

like image 137
CodeRo Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 03:11


Press Tools -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors -> Show Settings for: Text Editor there ist the Font Size Property.

Note that: The settings for Font and Size are global for all text elements in all Visual Studio editors. According to How to: Change Fonts and Colors in the Editor

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Mark Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 03:11
