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Visual Studio 2012 failed to create project

I just upgraded to windows 8 from windows 7. Visual studio 2010 broke down completely. Oh well. I removed vs2012 and installed visual studio 2012, where the pain starts. I have been reinstalling vs 2012 a couple of times. However, the symptom remains the same. When I try to create a new project (FILE -> New -> Project or ctrl + N).
It pops up with an error message dialogbox saying
"Failed to create a ImageSource from the text '..\Images\Medium.png'.
" I am like @#*%&^@*#@#(. So can anyone please tell me what is going on with my Visual Studio2012? By the way, I can open and run the existing vs2010 projects with no problems.
I definitely neither want to do a fresh install on windows 8 nor rolling back to my windows 7. Cheers,

like image 212
user1645226 Avatar asked Sep 04 '12 06:09


1 Answers

To resolve that problem, I've change the permission of "modify" for "everybody" on the files




Don't know if it's the best way to do it, but at least it works.

like image 129
Eric Aubry Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09

Eric Aubry