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Visual studio 2010 showing available events from code behind

In work and in home I have VS2010 installed. But in work I have this one cool feature. On the code behind file I have two drop downs. When I select some object in the left one lets say a testButton or Default2 (a page class), on the right one I get all available events for that object and when I select an event Visual Studio autogenerates it in my code-behind file. In my home VS I actually have does 2 drop downs but they work different. I have available objects on the right one but when I select for example the testButton it shows me the aspx page and points this button :/ Should I set sommething in the VS configuration or maybe in work I have some addon which I'm not aware of? Any ideas?

enter image description here

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shin Avatar asked Feb 19 '11 20:02


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How do I go back and forth in Visual Studio?

By default, Alt+Left navigates back, and if you remove the Alt+Right shortcut for Edit. CompleteWord in Microsoft Visual Studio, Alt+Right navigates forward.

2 Answers

This is not a VB-exclusive feature.

What you're looking for is called a navigation bar. In Visual Studio options, open Text Editor → C# → General, and you'll see an option called Navigation Bar. Enable it and click OK.

Navigation bar in Options

However, I believe this bar works a bit differently in VB and in C#. In C#, it only lists the existing classes and their methods; in VB, it will list all your controls and their events even if those don't exist yet.

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configurator Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


Ok I think I've found the answer. It seems that this feature is only available when the current file is in VB.Net. In my opinion this suks :/

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shin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
