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Visual Studio 2010 shortcut to go back from definition [duplicate]

In Visual Studio when going to definition by pressing F12, it takes you to definition. Is there any way to go back to where you came from?

This is specially annoying when you have definition within same file. If it's in another file then it's ok Ctrl+Tab take you back to previous window. But when it's in same file then have to find where you came from and go there.

like image 973
mamu Avatar asked Jun 27 '10 21:06


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Select a symbol then type F12. Alternatively, you can use the context menu or Ctrl+click (Cmd+click on macOS). You can go back to your previous location with the Go > Back command or Ctrl+Alt+-.

1 Answers

Try the key combination: Ctrl + -.

like image 146
Raj Kaimal Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 22:10

Raj Kaimal