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Visual Studio 2010 maximize code window shortcut

I am looking for the short cut to maximizing code window.. this can be done by first making the window 'float' then clicking on the maximize icon on top right of the window.. I am not able to find the command for the 'maximize' behavior under options/keyboard commands so that i can assign a key combination or find out what the default is..

like image 677
kaivalya Avatar asked May 20 '11 14:05


2 Answers

Same Shift + Alt + Enter does work here as well.

like image 176
Rahul Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11


Tools -> Options -> Keyboard -> Use the Window.Float command and bind it to a shortcut.

To return it to being a tabbed document, use the Window.Dock command.

like image 33
Brandon Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11
