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visibility hidden in AngularJs?

<button id="tagBtnId" name="TagsFilter" ng-show="disableTagButton">Tags</button> 

ng-show applied display: none or display: block property But I want to apply visibility: hidden and visibility: visible property.

like image 743
chirag Avatar asked Nov 14 '14 10:11


People also ask

What is hidden in angular?

The DOM representation of the hidden attribute is a property also called hidden , which if set to true hides the element and false shows the element. Angular doesn't manipulate HTML attributes, it manipulates DOM properties because the DOM is what actually gets displayed.

What is Ng-show and Ng-hide?

The ng-show directive shows or hides the given HTML element based on the expression provided to the ng-show attribute. The ng-hide directive shows or hides the given HTML element based on the expression provided to the ng-hide attribute .

What is Ng-show in AngularJS?

AngularJS ng-show Directive The ng-show directive shows the specified HTML element if the expression evaluates to true, otherwise the HTML element is hidden.

How do you override ng-hide?

ng-hide selector can be easily overridden by heavier selectors. For example, something as simple as changing the display style on a HTML list item would make hidden elements appear visible. This also becomes a bigger issue when dealing with CSS frameworks.

2 Answers

You can use ng-class or ng-style directives as below


this will add class myclass to the button when only disableTagButton is true , if disableTagButton is false then myclass will remove from the button

expression pass to ng-class can be a string representing space delimited class names, an array, or a map of class names to boolean values.

1 - space delimited class names

.. ng-class="{strike: deleted, bold: important, red: error}"..  

2 - an array

.. ng-class="[style1, style2, style3]"..  

style1, style2 & style3 are css classes check the below demo for more info.

2 - expression

.. ng-class="'my-class' : someProperty ? true: false"..  

if someProperty exists then add .my-class else remove it.

If the css class name in the ng-class is dash separated then you need to define it as string like .. ng-class="'my-class' : .. else you can define it as string or not as .. ng-class="myClass : ..

ng-class DEMO

<button id="tagBtnId" name="TagsFilter" ng-class="{'myClass': disableTagButton}">Tags</button>  <style>    .myClass {        visibility: hidden     } </style> 


Expression pass the [ng-style][2] evals to an object whose keys are CSS style names and values are corresponding values for those CSS keys.


.. ng-style="{_key_ : _value_}" ... => _key_ is the css property while _value_ set the property value. Ex => .. ng-style="{color : 'red'}" ...

If your using something like background-color then its not a valid key of a object then it needs to be quoted as .. ng-style="{'background-color' : 'red'}" ... same as ng-class.

<button id="tagBtnId" name="TagsFilter" ng-style="disableTagButton">Tags</button> 

then your disableTagButton should be like

$scope.disableTagButton = {'visibility': 'hidden'}; // then button will hidden.  $scope.disableTagButton = {'visibility': 'visible'}; // then button will visible. 

so u can change the visibility of the button by changing the $scope.disableTagButton.

or you can use it as inline expression as,

ng-style="{'visibility': someVar ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}" 

is someVar evaluates to true then visibility set to visible Else visibility set to hidden.

like image 59
Kalhan.Toress Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10


You can use ng-style. Simple Example:

<div ng-style="{'visibility': isMenuOpen?'visible':'hidden'}">...</div> 

At runtime, the style changes when isMenuOpen changes.

  • When isMenuOpen is true, you'll have style="visibility: visible".
  • When isMenuOpen is false, you'll have style="visibility: hidden".
like image 23
AlikElzin-kilaka Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10
