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Update the CSS of a Website without refreshing the Page

People also ask

How do I change the content of a website without refreshing it?

AJAX is a technique for creating fast and dynamic web pages. AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.

How do I update my website CSS?

Anytime you make changes to CSS, JavaScript and are viewing the page you've updated - you will see this concern. You can force a refresh by pressing CTRL+F5 on the browser and that will get the latest version.

How do I reload a DIV without reloading the whole page?

Use this. $('#mydiv'). load(document. URL + ' #mydiv');

How do you reload CSS?

For Windows in Chrome or Edge, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F5 (or Ctrl + Reload) refreshes. For Mac, hold Cmd-Shift-R or Shift-Reload. Most browsers also have a refresh button next to the URL.

Here you are: http://cssrefresh.frebsite.nl/

CSSrefresh is a small, unobstructive javascript file that monitors the CSS-files included in your webpage. As soon as you save a CSS-file, the changes are directly implemented, without having to refresh your browser.

Just insert the javascript file and it works!

But note: It only works when you have the files on a server!

Edit: LiveStyle

If you develop with Sublime Text and Google Chrome or Apple Safari, then you should use Emmet LiveStyle. This is a more powerful Live CSS-Reloader.
Now I use it instead of CSS Refresh.

If you want more information about this awesome plugin, please read the Post by Smashing Magazine

With jQuery you can create a function that reloads external stylesheets.

 * Forces a reload of all stylesheets by appending a unique query string
 * to each stylesheet URL.
function reloadStylesheets() {
    var queryString = '?reload=' + new Date().getTime();
    $('link[rel="stylesheet"]').each(function () {
        this.href = this.href.replace(/\?.*|$/, queryString);

Have a look at http://livereload.com/.

It works as a browser plugin for OS X and windows. I like it because I do not have to embed additional javascript which I could accidentally commit in my versioning control.

I find browser plugins/extensions to be the easiest solution. They don't require any code changes to your individual sites. And they can be used for any site on the web — which is useful if I modify something in-memory real quick to hide a toolbar or fix a bug temporarily; once finished mucking with it, I can press a key and all the CSS is back to normal.

Once installed, (most) CSS reloaded plugins/extensions don't reload the CSS automatically. But usually work with something as simple as a toolbar button, a context menu item, and/or a simple key press to reload the CSS. I find this method is less error prone anyway, and is much less complicated then some of the automated solutions out there.

Some examples (feel free to suggest some others):


  • tin.cr (includes automatic reload, and can persist in-browser changes to source files)
  • CSS Refresh


  • CSS Reloaded
  • CSS Refresh