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Violation 'requestIdleCallbackHandler ' took ms

I'm writing an app generated with create-react-app with redux, react-redux, and react-router. Whenever I click a Link like this:

import React from 'react'
import { Link } from 'react-router'
import ThingCard from '../../components/ThingCard'

const ThingsList = ({things}) => {
    return (
            {things.map(thing => 
                <Link to={"/things/"+thing.id} key={thing.id}><ThingCard thing={thing}/></Link>

export default ThingsList

I see the following warnings in my console. I have no idea where they come from or what they mean. Google search didn't yield any useful results. Can these warnings be safely ignored, if not how can I find out more about them? I believe this issue is preventing the parent page from rendering it's children.

enter image description here

I've disabled all network requests.

EDIT: This error only shows up in Chrome Canary and not Google Chrome. However, Google Chrome is not rendering the children properly (potentially due to this issue)

like image 601
Carpetfizz Avatar asked Feb 16 '17 19:02


1 Answers

It can be safely ignored. Here is good explanation why do you see this. The reason you see requestIdleCallback here is most probably because you are using React 16+ which has a totally new architecture Fiber You can read more about it

TL;DR; It just notifies you that some of your/their code took longer than 16ms, thus you may not always get 60fp.

like image 125
dehumanizer Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10
