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apollo "Subscription field must return Async Iterable. Received: undefined"

I have a mutation that fires the channel event 'countIncr', but I don't see the active corresponding subscription fire with the event payload.

UPDATE: I've made several updates to this posting and now I'm changing the title to be more representative of where I am.

I'm getting a graphqlPlayground error

"Subscription field must return Async Iterable. Received: undefined"

TGRstack reproduction i'm having trouble with: https://github.com/TGRstack/tgr-apollo-subscription-example-microservice/

Working Reproduction without TGRstack: https://github.com/Falieson/fullstack-apollo-subscription-example

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here Frontend: https://github.com/TGRstack/tgr-apollo-subscription-example-microservice/blob/master/counter-ui/src/app/routes/Home/HomePage.tsx

subscription onCountIncr {

const Counter = () => (
    {({ data, loading }) => {
      console.log({loading, data})
      return loading
        ? <h1>Loading ...</h1>
        : data.count
          ? <h2>Counter: {data.count}</h2>
          : <h1>Counter Subscription Not Available</h1>

BE Resolvers: https://github.com/TGRstack/tgr-apollo-subscription-example-microservice/blob/master/counter-service/src/gql/Resolvers.ts

BE Schema: https://github.com/TGRstack/tgr-apollo-subscription-example-microservice/blob/master/counter-service/src/gql/Schema.ts

BE Controller: https://github.com/TGRstack/tgr-apollo-subscription-example-microservice/blob/master/counter-service/src/gql/Counter.ts

const count = {
  resolve: data => {
    console.log('CounterSub>', {data})
    return data
  subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator(['countIncr'])

const CounterSubscriptions = {
async function countIncr(root: any, args: any, context: any) {
  const count = Counter.increment()
  await pubsub.publish('countIncr', count )
  console.log('countIncr', '>>>', { count })
  return count

Here is the service log after you've run through the #getting started instructions in the Readme.md

[FE] GET /favicon.ico 200 2.465 ms - 1551                   # WEBCLIENT LOADED
[BE] CounterSub> { data: undefined }                        # SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST
[BE] { data: [Object: null prototype] { count: null } }     # SUBSCRIPTION RESULT
[BE] POST / 200 21.254 ms - 24
[BE] 2019-05-10 11:37:20 [info]:     HELLO                  # APOLLO CLIENT CONNECTED AGAIN (why always 2?)
[BE] countIncr >>> { count: 1 }                             # MUTATION REQUEST
[BE] { data: [Object: null prototype] { countIncr: 1 } }    # MUTATION RESPONSE
[BE] POST / 200 13.159 ms - 25
[BE] countIncr >>> { count: 2 }                             # MUTATION REQUEST
[BE] { data: [Object: null prototype] { countIncr: 2 } }    # MUTATION RESPONSE
[BE] POST / 200 4.380 ms - 25


Incase you've tried to clone the repo and after running nps it didn't work its because there was a step missing in nps setup. I've pushed an update to the stack with the nps setup improved.


updated code and links in question per latest commit


Some people have suggested that pubsub should be a single import. I've updated the code but this creates a new error:

Error: Apollo Server requires either an existing schema, modules or typeDefs


numerous minor changes trying to hunt down import/export bugs(?) now getting the error. I fixed this error by hardening imports (there was some issue w/ the index file not properly exporting).

"message": "Subscription field must return Async Iterable. Received: undefined"

Working Reproduction without TGRstack: https://github.com/Falieson/fullstack-apollo-subscription-example

Update 5

I demodularized/decomposed a bunch of things to make it easier to trace whats going on but still getting the same error

like image 916
Falieson Avatar asked May 10 '19 18:05


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1 Answers

I solved this issue in 2 places

  1. ApolloServer.installSubscriptionHandler() TEMPORARILY replacing middleware.apolloSubscriptions() . I configure the subscriptions middleware following this guide: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/graphql-subscriptions/express so I'm going to guess there's something messed up w/ the version of one of those packages or the guide itself.


    const listener = ws.listen({port: config.PORT}, () => {
      // middleware.apolloSubscriptions(ws)
  1. terminatingLink and getMainDefinition are necessary for the client https://github.com/TGRstack/tgr-apollo-subscription-example-microservice/commit/75b6165f2dc1d035a41f1129f7386a1e18c7ba53#diff-2c47ef33b8ed0e4c893cbc161bcf7814R37
  private _terminatingLink = split(
    ({ query }) => {
      const { kind, operation } = getMainDefinition(query)
      return (
        kind === 'OperationDefinition' && operation === 'subscription'
like image 172
Falieson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
